Saturday 3 June 2017

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

Turning points

By the late 50s the S.A.state had become increasingly repressive making it more difficult for the ANC to operate.
Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s and  the government banned the ANC.
Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison.
Released in 1990.
Lost of his eldest son.


           Finished his degree and qualified as a Lawyer
1952 - Opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa
1944 - Helped found the ANC Youth League
The first democratically elected State President of South Africa.
Mandela presided over the transition from minority rule and apartheid
Received many prestigious awards
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Fred Hollows

 Fred Hollows

1929 - born in New Zealand
1980s, - Extended his campaign for treating avoidable eye disease, travelled all over the world.
1989 - diagnosed with cancer
1990 - Awarded as Australian of the Year
1992 - Fred Hollows Foundation was established
1993 - Died

Bill Ferguson

                          Bill Ferguson

1882   -    born in Waddai, Darlington Point, New South Wales
1895-96 - got brief education by Warangesda mission school. 
1896  -     Working in Riverina shearing sheds
1895  -     his wife Emily died in childbirth
1911  -     married Margaret Mathieson Gowans
1916  -     family settled at Gulargambone 
1920-24 - worked as mailman between Quambone and Gular
1928  -     took labouring jobs
1933  -     settled his wife and twelve children at Dubbo permanently
1937  -     he launched the Aborigines' Progressive Association at Dubbo
1938  -     organised the A.P.A.
1944-49-  worked with the Welfare Board
1949  -     was elected as a vice-president of the New South Wales branch of the Australian                  Aborigines' League, a national body with Onus as president
1950 -      died of hypertensive heart disease, in Dubbo Base Hospital.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

A Greener World

while the humanity is depending on cutting forest tree to produce the papers so it is everyone's responsibility to learn how to help the government in paper's recycling procedures. In general all kinds of recycling have an efficiency of reducing the land fill. The recycled papers are used in many of the industrial fields and for many purposes. I think that all the countries which have developed  paper recycling system are green more than the other countries.  

Kyoto Protocol

I believe that kyoto protocol is very important to maintain the agreements of minimizing the greenhouse gas emissions from all countries which are included in this protocol. Extending the life of this protocol will give a good chance to the nature to heal itself. Having more countries included in this protocol will decrease the rates of pollution gases release. I think that governments can't delay only on the scientist to find the way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions but they should decide to control and minimize it with all available ways.     

Wednesday 1 March 2017


I think that a solar taxi is a good solution to reduction of carbon dioxide released from cars and vehicles. By using the Solar Taxis, A good chance will be given to the planet to recover from the increase of harmful gases. In my opinion the invention of the solar taxi attracted scientists curiosity toward the environment changes. On the other hand this will give more ideas for other scientists to invent new instruments that help to reduce the increase in pollution levels. Using the solar taxi widely will help to reduce current sources of energy.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Immigration To Australia, 1992 & 2002

By comparing the immigration to Australia between 1992 & 2002 the graph shows that in 2002 there was a significant increase in number of immigrants from Oceania and Africa. On the other hand, it is shown that in the same year  there was some decrease in number of immigrants from all other nationalities comparing with 1992. In general the number of immigrants in 2002 was lower than in 1992 with a difference of 18472 immigrants.